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Acne Breakouts Around the Hairline and Temples

Hairline Acne Breakouts

Today I want to discuss acne breakouts at or near the hairline.  In the last few weeks, I have had a few new clients come in battling acne breakouts in this specific area. Usually, hairline pimples are clustered at the hairline or within ½ inch of the hairline. They are also usually located more towards the temples and ears but can run the entire length of the hairline around the face.

Schedule your acne consultation

In my practice, I have determined the two main contributing factors leading to these breakouts.

  1. Inadequate cleansing
  2. Products (specifically hair styling products)

I am certain for some individuals there are other factors to consider, but these are the 2 main ones I am seeing at Linde Esthetics.

Inadequate cleansing

For most of us over the age of 10, we believe that we know how to effectively wash our hair. It is a basic skill and pretty self-explanatory. Sometimes we can be in such a hurry we neglect to take the time needed to do a good job.

Another way people are cleansing in an inadequate manner is when they cleanse their face. Typically when we cleanse our face we concentrate on removing dirt, oils, debris, and makeup from the center of our face, but overlook the hairline.


 There are a multitude of hair care and skincare products on the market today. While most people can use these products without any negative side effects, people prone to acne breakouts are not so lucky. This is especially true when it comes to sticky hair care products like hairspray and styling gels. 

Solutions for pimple-free hairlines

Now that you know what can cause hairline acne, what can you do to correct it now and prevent it in the future? I believe simple solutions whenever possible. Listed below are 3 simple yet doable task that can I help you achieve a clear hairline.

Braided bangs on woman
A simple braid held in place with a bobby pin

A Simple Braid

Who knew that braiding hair, especially around the face, can help you to have clear skin? This absolutely works. It works in two ways: 

  • braiding can eliminate the need for hair care products
  • secures the hair off the face which eliminates the need to touch the hair and face
hair tucked behind ear
Hair tucked behind ear

Give your hair a tuck

You can also grow your hair to a length that can be secured behind the ears. This also eliminates the need for additional hair care products and greatly cuts down on the number of times you will touch your hair and hairline throughout the day.

Lather up and scrub

I recommend working shampoo all the way down to the scalp and massaging it in for a minimum of 60 seconds. Additionally, make sure that all traces of shampoo are rinsed out of the hair. When cleansing the face I recommend massaging the appropriate cleanser for 30 to 60 seconds. Make sure to work all the way to the hairline and rinse completely.

Please schedule a consultation if you are unsure which facial home care products you need to use.

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