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Reiki on woman’s neck.

There is no wrong way to perform Reiki

Over the past decade, Reiki has gained popularity with people looking for a way to improve how they feel. It harnesses positive universal energy to encourage emotional or physical healing. I believe one reason it is so popular is that it lends itself to many other modalities and healing practices. While Reiki is a stand-alone service, it can be incorporated with massage, aromatherapy, sound healing, hypnotherapy, and acupuncture to name a few.

While Reiki can be offered in conjunction with other services, I will only be offering Reiki as a stand-alone service or partnered with relaxation massage. As a licensed massage therapist and Reiki II or Okuden practitioner, I feel well-qualified in offering this combination of healing services.  At the bottom of this blog, I will provide a list of other service providers who offer complementary services in the Springfield MO area.

I’ve scheduled my Reiki session, now what?

After you schedule your Reiki session, you will receive an intake form via email.  This form will provide me with basic information about you, and what you would like to accomplish during your session. 4 days before your appointment, you will be sent a confirmation request. If you will make the appointment as scheduled, click “Confirm Appointment”. If you need to change the session to a distance session, please let me know. 49 hours before your appointment you will be sent an additional notification.  This will be your last chance to alter the scheduled appointment without incurring a late change/cancellation fee.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my session?

There are two things that I feel are essential for getting the most out of your Reiki session. The first, and most important, is to come mentally prepared. Be open-minded. If you believe great things can happen, they are more likely to happen. If you believe that nothing positive will happen, it is unlikely you will see the results. Reiki energy will only go where it is welcome and allowed to go. The second is to dress in comfortable clothing if possible. Tight and restrictive clothing may diminish your ability to relax.

Click here for a more detailed list of how to prepare for a Reiki session

Can you walk me through a typical session?

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The Reiki session was great, now what?

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Alternative Service Providers

Crystals: Renaissance Books & Gifts

Acupuncture: Journey to Health

Angels: Linda Mayhugh

Aromatherapy: Wildwood Aromas

Windy Linde

Reiki Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Esthetician

Located in Springfield, MO