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Man receiving reiki energy healing

Reiki session complete. Now what?

The aftercare of your session is an important part of the natural healing process. Whether or not you experienced sensations during the session itself, reactions to Reiki afterward can vary greatly from person to person.

Some people may feel a dramatic shift immediately. Others don’t feel anything immediately, but will months later see positive effects. There is no right or wrong reaction to a Reiki session. It is common to feel one thing the first day, and something very different the next. Your energetic system is working through the things Reiki affected.

Sometimes a client may experience a healing crisis. These symptoms may become worse before getting better. Reiki can bring unprocessed emotions and pain to the surface to be released and can bring up emotional blockages making you more emotional.

As Elsa would say, “Let it go.”. Holding it in will only cause additional blockages. You may even experience flu-like symptoms. This is a normal process of eliminating negative toxins. These symptoms are temporary and often are a necessary part of the healing journey. This is actually a sign that Reiki is working. You may be aware of these symptoms or may not be at all. Reiki has a way of working at the most opportune time.

After your session, you might want to: Get extra rest and sleep, drink more water or green tea, do a juice cleanse, and eat clean. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and smoking, and minimize caffeine intake for a few days after a Reiki session also.

Practice self-care activities: Get a massage, practice mindfulness and meditation, or join a yoga class or support group. All of these can be supportive of Reiki and will help you recover from the Reiki session. A trusted therapist can also be a great way to process what is unfolding for you after treatment.

One of my personal favorite things to do is a detox bath (1 cup of Epson, sea salt, or Himalayan salt and 1 cup of baking soda) in the hottest bath you can stand, for twenty minutes. This will help eliminate the heavy energy from your system.

Contact me anytime if you need support or have questions.